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Copy your affiliate link and start sharing it everywhere.
We pay all our affiliates at the end of every month (minimum balance: 50.00$)
Having doubts? Just read our client’s testimonials, they won’t leave you disappointed.
We provide organized tours for families, group of friends, couples, parties, and events.
All of our tours are animal-friendly. Have a dog? Bring him/her with you for the best experience yet.
For every successful booking or rental, you’ll receive 20% of the total price. More days in a booking means more money in your pocket. All affiliate commissions will be in “pending” mode for 30 days because of our 30-day refund policy.
The best way to promote any service and make money is by writing unique and high quality content, that is optimized for search engines such as Google and Bing. You can also share your affiliate link through your social media profile or page, using email marketing (such as newsletter promotion), and even share it in forums and communities for traveling and sailing.
Please download our Press Kit. The file contains all images, logos, banners, and other promotional assents that you can use to promote Rent Me Out’s tours and boat rentals. If you want a specific visual in your own language, please contact us.