Where are your offices located?
Our offices are located at Omonias 77, Kavala 653 02, Greece.
What's the departure location?
In most cases, the departure location for your first arrival will probably be at the Port of Kavala. Sometimes the location departure may be different, so please make sure that you always read the description of every tour or boat rental.
Necessary papers for renting a sailing boat
For bareboat rentals, an official ID/Passport and a Sailing License are required.
What's the Covid-19 restrictions?
Covid-19 restrictions are keep changing all the time. Our team will help you by providing any necessary information in our upcoming emails before your arrival. You should always check the emails from the airport company before the departure from the airport. They usually provide important information about your flight and the Covid-19 situation in the country of your arrival.
Do I have to pay the whole price or just a deposit?
You can choose both. You can even pay the whole price, or 40% of the total cost of your booking/rental.
How can I cancel a Tour booking?
Please contact us immediately via phone or email.
How can I cancel a boat rental?
Please contact us immediately via phone or email.
How do I create an account?
You can create a new account by clicking here. You can also create a new account during a booking.
I forgot my password, can I reset it?
You can ask for a new password by click at the option "I forgot my password" in our login page. If you're facing problems resetting your account's password, please contact us and our team will look into it.
Where is my booking history?
You can find your booking history, including previews bookings or rentals, at your account's Dashboard. If you didn't created an account during the booking, you won't be able to see your previews bookings or the status of your current booking. You'll keep getting emails with the status of your bookings by Rent Me Out, even if you haven't created an account.
Can I add a skipper to a boat rental?
Please book a rental and make sure that you either deposit the 40% of the total price, either the total cost, and after that please contact us to include a professional skipper. The price total cost of the skipper is always written in the boat's description page and you'll by able to pay the remaining amount in your arrival.